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发布日期:2010-07-20             点击:


Guangzhou Summit Forum on Higher Education of Health Sciences Development 2008, organized by Chinese Medical Association, Medical Education Committee of Chinese Association of Higher Education, Guangzhou Medical University, was held in China Hotel on Nov.8th-9th,2008.The summit provided an excellent opportunity for experts from all around the world to exchange their views.

1. 广州医学院党委书记陈敏生教授主持开幕式

Opening ceremony ,chaired by Chen Minsheng , Chairman of Board of Guangzhou Medical University

2. 广州医学院校长冉丕鑫教授致欢迎词

Welcoming speech by Ran Pixin,President of Guangzhou Medical University

3. 美国中华医学基金会CMB主席 Lincoln Chen教授致辞

Speech by Lincoln Chen,Chairman of the China Medical Board USA

7. 哈佛大学医学院Dan Hunt教授作演讲,题目为《美国医学教育及哈佛临床医学教学:挑战与机遇》

Topic 2 :Clinical Teaching atHarvard and in the United states: Challenges and Opportunities byProfessor Dan Hunt,Director of Inpatient Clinician Educator Service ,Harvard Medical School

10. 香港中文大学医学院院长霍泰辉教授作演讲,题目为《医学课程中设定学习效果的重要性》

Topic 5:The Importance of Setting Learning Outcomes in Medical Curriculum byProfessor Fok Tai-fai,Dean ofThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Medicine

11. 广州医学院校长冉丕鑫教授作演讲,题目为《中国地方高等医学院校发展的思考》

Topic 6:Development and Strategic Research onLocal Higher Medical Institutions in China

ByProfessorRan Pixin, President of Guangzhou Medical University

12. 全国人大常委、教育部原副部长吴启迪教授作重要讲话

Speech by Wu Qidi, Member of the NPC Standing Committee
