2018 International Student Scholarship Awarding Ceremony and 2019 New Year Party were Held

On the Friday evening of the 21stof December 2018, Guangdong Government Outstanding International Students Scholarship Awarding Ceremony and New Year Party were held at the Student Activity Hall of Panyu Campus. The event was organized by the cooperation of School of International Education and School of Stomatology of GMU. Professor Jiachun Lu, the dean of International School, members of the Teaching Faculty and students from School of International Education and Stomatology School attended this event.

16 international students including 15 undergraduates and 1 postgraduate won “Guangdong Government Outstanding International Scholarship” in 2018. Professor Lu awarded the certificates to all winners. Then he made a speech and gave congratulations and encouragements to scholarship winners, he pointed out students should have great aspiration and cherish learning time.

After the ceremony, the New Year Party began. It was hosted by Qui Vivra Verra from the Stomatology School and Silindile Caluza from School of International Education. During the event there were many amazing performances by the students from different countries. The night had a balance between energetic and heart-warming performances. Everyone in the audience was dancing and singing along to all the acts on stage. Well done to the talented performances by the following: GB Brothers, Rhythmic Buzzlers, Lit Gang, Ki & Ka, Bangladeshi Trio, Bolly-Tolly Group, Indian Raga, Bidyut, Sunshine Dance, Stomatology Dance, Erica, Lightening Devas, Apoorva, Stomatology Duet, Punjab Power, Team Retro, Migos and Boys Wizard. The night ended with a bang! With a wonderful segment of ‘Fashion of the World’ where students walked proudly in their traditional attire. It was definitely an array of colour and a fantastic display of the ethnic diversity that exists in GMU. At last, a group photo with all the performers, organizers and audience was taken to encapsulate the spectacular night.

Overall, it was a fun night for the audience and a great opportunity for the students to show case their talents!





随后,2019年国际教育学院与口腔医学院联谊新年晚会拉开帷幕,我院留学生Silindile Caluza和口腔医学院学生Qui Vivra Verra担任主持人。晚会期间,来自印度、尼泊尔、孟加拉国、法国、澳大利亚、加纳等国的留学生与中国学生一同用歌舞尽情展示着青春的风采。留学生们或用多国语言歌唱青春,或用吉他深情温暖在场观众,以真情共同谱写深厚的同窗友谊。口腔医学院学生带来的英文歌曲将小清新表现得淋漓尽致,舞蹈Boys Wizard则展现出了阳光男生的另一面,给观众留下了深刻印象。

