School of International Education Held the 2017 New Year Party

School of International Education Held the 2017 New Year Party

On December 23, 2017 New Year Party for international students hosted by School of International Education was held at the auditorium in Yuexiu Campus. Over 100 international students and Chinese students gathered to celebrate the coming New Year. Minyi Tang, Section Chief of Students Affairs, Susan Zhou and Kathy Guo, Administrators of International Students Office attended the celebration.

The party began with a folk and modern mixed dance-Bollywood Mix, represented exotic culture by Indian students. Chinese students from School of Stomatology brought the modern dance-Hot, showed youthful energy. Jackson from 2015 class brought the miraculous magic, which aroused screaming from every corner of the auditorium. The whole party was in constant climax, with roller skating, folk dance, music plays, songs of various countries etc. Joy is overflowing at the party.Lucky draws interwoven in the programs also brought surprises to students.



晚会由国际教育学院和口腔医学院联合主持。来自英国的Hamza同学作为暖场主持,其幽默的主持风格带动了全场的气氛。开场由来自印度的学生带来民族与现代结合的舞蹈—“ Bollywood Mix”。随后,口腔医学院学生和留学生一起表演的轮滑,尽显年轻人的青春和活力。来自15级的Jackson同学给大家带来惊喜的魔术表演,引爆晚会高潮。来自不同国家和地区的学生们跳起热情洋溢的舞蹈,或引吭高歌,或跳起新颖的光影舞,淋漓尽致的展现了自己的才艺,抽奖环节更是给大家带来连连惊喜。

