Exchange of HSK Experience Held in Panyu Campus

On May 5, 2015, School of International Education organized the Exchange of Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) Experience at classroom A3-302 in Panyu Campus. International students of Panyu Campus attend the exchange session actively. Three speakers Nchimbi Sophia Michael (class of 2012), Chaharzad Said Abdallah (class of 2013) and Noor (class of 2014) who passed HSK level 3 and 4 and scored excellent marks respectively, shared with their experience vividly, they introduced the test registration, requirement and content in detail. Students said it was a helpful session as they were happy to know that HSK was not so much hard as many foreingers and people say and they are to study hard and sit for the HSK on time.

(Nchimbi Sophia Michael from class of 2012)


5月5日,我院在番禺校区A3-302教室举办汉语水平考试(HSK)经验交流会,留学生们积极参加此次活动。分别来自2012级、2013级、2014级的留学生Nchimbi Sophia Michael、Chaharzad Said Abdallah、Noor与同学们分享了考试经验。

以优异成绩通过了HSK三级考试的Nchimbi Sophia Michael、Noor和通过了四级考试的Chaharzad Said Abdallah在交流期间向大家详细介绍了HSK的报名程序、考试要求,并以样卷的形式介绍了考试内容。



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