2015 Chinese New Year Celebration for International Students Held in Panyu Campus

2015 Chinese new year celebration held on February 9thin the dining hall of Panyu campus. More than 100 international students who stayed at school during the festival attended the celebration.Prof. Donghai Wei (the vice president of GMU), Prof. Jiachun lu (the dean of international education), Mr.Wangxing Zeng (the section chief of youth league of GMU), Mr. Wei Luo(the section chief of catering office), Mr.Shaobin Yang(the director of publicity department), Ms Bonbon Fan(deputy section chief of international students’ office) attended this event.

Prof. Wei first made a toast on behalf of GMU and send best wishes to the students, then everyone began to taste the prepared Chinese food. During the gathering lunch, Prof.Wei went to each table to talk to the students and delivered the Chinese lucky money to them. Listening to the vivid introduction to the origin of spring festival by Prof.Wei and eating the typical Chinese food prepared by GMU, all the international students felt really at home.


2015年2月9日中午,我院在番禺校区饭堂举办春节留学生座谈会,组织100多名留校的国际留学生共贺新春佳节,分享过年的喜悦,营造Campus is my family的温馨氛围,学校魏东海副校长、国际教育学院吕嘉春院长、学校团委曾王兴书记、膳食科罗卫科长、宣传部杨绍滨主任、留学生管理科范熙老师等出席了此活动。



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