
3月13日至3月17日,我院2010级留学生Ketegwe Irene Raphael和Thoidingjam Bidyarani Chanu受邀参加在罗马举行的2014年模拟联合国活动,并作为联合国粮食及农业组织代表在大会发言。

来自世界各地的1500多名大学生参加了本次模拟联合国活动,围绕主题“Beyond 2015: A NEW AGENDA FOR DEVELOPMENT”进行了观点阐述、政策辩论、投票表决和做出决议,以此来了解世界发生的大事对自身未来的影响,了解自身在未来可以发挥的作用。Ketegwe Irene Raphael和Thoidingjam Bidyarani Chanu表示,第一次有幸参加模拟联合国活动的经历让她们学会更多以国际视野看问题,自身公开发言和辩论的能力、解决冲突求同存异的能力也得到了锻炼,同时她们也感受到了罗马独特的城市风貌和灿烂的文化。

附:Thoidingjam Bidyarani Chanu和Ketegwe Irene Raphael参加2014年罗马模拟联合国活动的感想

RomeModel United Nations was a college-level simulation of the United Nations which was held from 13th-17th March 2014 in Rome, Italy. It was a simulation of 7 different Committees namely 1) General Assembly(GA) 2) Security Council (SC) 3) Food and Agriculture Organization of the Nations (FAO) 4) International Court of Justice (ICJ) 5)Council of European Union(CEU) 6) International Telecommunication Unit(ITU) 7) United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). The theme of the 2014 conference was" BEYOND 2015: A NEW AGENDA FOR DEVELOPMENT". More than 1500 students from universities worldwide attended the conference. The conference was held in the institutional building of United Nation in Luiss Guido Carli University in Rome, Italy.

This is my first time to attend the ROME MUN conference and I am very lucky to get the chance to attain such a prestigious conference. It has been one of my best lifetime experiences. I got the chance to interact with diversified students from all the corners of the world.

Considering my background as a medical student I got the chance to represent in theFood and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). While doing research I got to know that one of the main root causes of diseases is poverty and hunger, which are co-existing. If we can figure out some measures to eradicate this then the human race will be one step closer to health.

Here we get the chance to give our opinions on how to make the world a better place. We also got to enrich our Roman experience through the social events that RomeMUN organization organized for all delegates. Last but not the least I truly appreciate ourGuangzhouMedical Universityfor letting me attend“RomeMUN 2014”. There were very special occasions for participants to spend our free time together, have fun and we got to discover the wonderful city of Rome. I also got to learn the different cultures, their academic curriculum etc.

(Thoidingjam Bidyarani Chanu from Class of 2010

Attending ROMEMUN 2014 was a dream come true to me. I have always been passionate about leadership, the UN and global issues. For the past 8 years I have worked with UN chapters and held different leadership positions and awards but never had I ever had and opportunity to take part in a Model UN until this year.

Chanu and I represented the delegation of the Democratic Republic of Congo in the Food and Agriculture Organization and it was thrilling experience presenting the country's profile and offering what we thought could be the solutions to the hunger problem in DRC. We spent 3 full days, researching, discussing and presenting and holding conversations with some of the representatives of the FAO and lots of interviews for BBC and Aljazeera. At the end we came up with a draft that will be submitted to the FAO. It felt really nice to see that our hard works beared fruits, that we could be the source of the change we want to see. At nights, we roamed around the beautiful city of Rome and socialized with other delegates from all over the world. It was an awesome experience, I have also been honored to be the international promoter for ROMEMUN in China and I cannot wait to attend the next Model UN.

(Ketegwe Irene Raphae from Class of 2010)



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