我院留学生Gnanaraj Agassi参与广州火车站春运志愿服务

在1月25日开始的我校2013年春运志愿服务活动中,我院2011级印度籍留学生Gnanaraj Agassi 以志愿者身份积极参与广州火车站春运志愿服务,为回家过年的旅客们志愿提供了大量服务。Gnanaraj Agassi非常高兴能有这样的机会去帮助那些需要帮助的人,“哪怕只是提提行李”。他表示,这是一次难忘且愉快的经历,希望今后能够有更多这样为他人志愿服务的机会。

附:My Journey as a Volunteer(作者:Gnanaraj Agassi)

This was my first vacation I spend my time in Guangzhou and I really had a wonderful time. I am going to share with you the days of my journey as a volunteer. I have learned many things also got different kinds of experience and friends.

I started my journey with my friend but I have no idea what I am going to do. The first two days I just stood side of my friend and watch her helping people, the only help I did was holding a board in my hand when my friend was tired.

I was scared a little bit there are thousands of people around me but I know only one of them, my friend. The next two days were surprising and unforgettable, the leader of the volunteer work came to me and asked am I willing to continue my work, I agreed with a big smile. I got my uniform and not only that a journalist from Southern Metropolis China was asking me which country I belongs to also the college I am studying here, Guangzhou Medical College. I had my lunch with many Chinese friends who were so kind and friendly.

The remaining days I started speaking to people, helping them carrying their bags, guiding many old peoples and few foreigners to buy tickets for their way back to home. I got many friends even two police become my good friends. Since I am a foreigner I got many wishes for my work at the same time I got many scoldings also, I was not worried for that I learned I need to help the needy not everyone in the railway station.

Even though I can’t communicate with people so much I was really happy to help the needy, old peoples also the foreigners who can’t speak Chinese. I really want to thank my God and my friends also my college for giving me this wonderful opportunity and time.






