Prevention of Aids Lecture held for International
编辑:曾祥海     发布时间:2019-12-17



Prevention of Aids Lecture held for International students in Panyu campus A3-403 class room on November 29th ,2019. Zeng laoshi, who is the administrator of 2018batch students, was doing the promotion of prevention of Aids.


December 1, is the date of The world AIDS day. And there is increasing tendency of Aids infection on campus.It’s very necessary to let the international students know about the knowledge of AIDS and how to prevent AIDS.


Zenglaoshi made a lecture about the history, attributes, transmission routes of AIDS. And the key point is how to prevent aids during daily life. All the students listened to this lecture seriously and found this very interesting.And they said after this lecture, when they become doctors, they would make health education lectures like this to the patients in order to prevent aids all over the world.


